Book Reviews

Walk two moons book review

Don’t judge a man until you have walked two moons in his moccasins.

Salamanca Tree Hiddle is a thirteen-year-old girl with a mother who has left her and settled in Lewiston Idaho. She had to go move somewhere else. Her mother had promised her she would come before the flowers bloomed. But one day, she sent them a letter saying she is going to stay at Lewiston Idaho.  And because of that, she and her father drove 3 hundred miles straight north to Euclid, Ohio. After she settled in, she made friends like Phoebe Winterbottom. After a year later, she was travelling from Ohio to Idaho with her grandparents to see her mother. Along the way, her grandmother asked Salamanca to tell a story. And Salamanca does so. She tells the story about Phoebe Winterbottom and underneath that story, is Salamanca’s own. She tells about Phoebe’s lunatic, Ben, Margaret Cadaver, and how she became Phoebe’s best friend. Salamanca also explains her feelings in the story. Then, when they reach where her mother is staying, she has to face her mother, which she has been scared to do. Will she do it? Find out in this Newbery honour book!

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