Hello Purr-fect people! Some people don’t know how it is to be like a stray, and some people do. Well, Gaby knows how it is to be like a stray. Read to find out about this story.
St.Anne is a school which Gaby Ramirez goes to. Her mom got deported 3 months ago. And her father doesn’t take care of her. When Gaby starts a school service project at an animal shelter Furry Friends with her classmates, she gets to meet a lot of animals and help them like her mother did. And she gets to meet an animal similar to her named Feather. He was a stray abandoned at a shop. He is sick. After a while, Gaby gets the job to write flyers for the animals in Furry Friends and Feather’s owners come back requesting to claim him or they will sue Furry Friends. Gaby loved Feather, she can’t just let them take Feather away. Besides, they named Feather Malebec. What name is that? Gaby wants to save Feather. She wants to stop his owners from taking him. She also wants to live with a family who actually cares for her, and let her get a pet. She won’t be a stray anymore. Will she do it? Find out by reading this purrfect book.
I give this book 3 star ratings. I hope you guys enjoyed this review. Later till next time pure-fect people!